All we ask in exchange is that you share a message, a review or an image via twitter or facebook about our OrzoCoffee - how you like it, where you drink it, what you love about it - remember to tag us (fb: orzocoffee t: @orzocoffee) and use the hash tag #orzolove We look forward to your messages and will be sharing them and collecting them on our website too! We know many of you - just like us - love to visit Italy during the spring and summer. We share your love for our amazing Italian landscapes, the tasty food, the friendly people ...
So here is a little rewards for all your OrzoCoffee lovers who are interested in learning a bit of Italian ;-) Place an order on our website during April 2015 (minimum spend £15) & you can add a FREE pocket Italian Dictionary (Collins, RRP £4.99) included in your delivery!
Orzo♥Newsin this blog you will find some curiosities, updates and events treat yourself to a lovely cup of Orzo & enjoy the reading! Categories
March 2021